Modernmeal supports importing databases from Menu Magic, MacGourmet, MasterCook (PC and MAC), Paprika and ShopnCook. Here are the steps to import your database from one of these platforms into Modernmeal:
1) If you are using one of the platforms above, open that program and export your data. Save the file somewhere on your computer where you can easily find it.
- For Paprika export in html format. That file then needs to be compressed. On a Mac right click the folder and choose compress. On a PC right click choose send to, then choose compressed zipped file. In either case that zip file created should be the file chosen to when selecting the file to import from Modernmeal.
- For MasterCook export in the TEXT format.
- For MacGourmet export in the TEXT format.
- For ShopnCook export in the HTML format
2) Log into your Modernmeal account.
3) On your Modernmeal profile page, select ‘importer tool’, on the next page by ‘import’ select the platform you are importing from, then hit the ‘find & import’ button. 4) Navigate to the export file you saved on your computer, select the file and select ‘open’. That’s it.
It might take a few minutes to upload your data file, you will see a green status bar moving as the upload progresses. After this process complete will begin importing your data to your Modernmeal account. Depending on the size of your database, the number of images (if available) and internet connection the import could take as long as 30 minutes, so please be patient and let us know if you need help.